Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring Muster

With the approach of Spring, the troops of Fleisch-Spätzlestadt are finally gathering. Here are the beginnings of 3 separate battalions, two of musketeers and a converged grenadier battalion.

I've decided on 60 figures as the basis for my battalions. Starting with a maximum size for the BAR rules gives the flexibility of using fewer figures for battalions in other rules, such as OGABAS and M&R.

These figures in the 3 battalions are all Minden Miniatures. The battalion gun crews however are still in need of some fine battalion guns..the search will continue at Cold Wars.


  1. Impressive, excited to see your progress, will any of the battalions be participating in the bring your own battalion (BYOB) game at the SYW Association Convention March 21st?


  2. Already *impressive* - eager to enjoy the 'eye-candy' of seeing them in their uniforms!


  3. If I might offer some advice . . .

    Get your coat of primer on ALL of them before you start painting any . . . that way you'll always have some primed figures when you have a half-hour to paint (if they are bare metal, there's nothing you can do).

    -- Jeff

  4. You're starting with an excellent line of miniatures. It will indeed be exciting to see their progress. Great beginning.


  5. I'm glad I'm not the only painter who uses nails upon which to mount his figures.

    And I second Jeff's recommendation to prime all the figures at once.

    Keep us posted on your progress.


  6. Thank you for the comments and encouragement. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the SYW convention on the 21st. I hope to next year if I have no conflict in schedule. I will be at Cold Wars though for lots of SYW related shopping. Primer will likely be brushed on black gesso that I plan on doing tomorrow night or over the weekend.

  7. Great start for your two nations.
    Frankszonia, of course, being vapidly neutral on questions of religion (our major denominations being Later In the Day Saints and the Anglericans) will cheerfully hope to enter into profitable ventures with both ...

  8. Come on slacker, get the paints out :-)

  9. Frank, I got them started the week of your admonishment. Pictures to go up shortly.
